The Oil of Vitality and Transition
Today’s pod is all about the oil of Vitality and Transition. We are talking about the empowerment of dōTERRA Zendocrine Essential Oil....

The Oil of Surrender
Today’s pod is all about the oil of Surrendering. We are talking about the empowerment of Wintergreen. Wintergreen’s benefits: Cleansing...

The Oil of Releasing and Forgiving
Today’s pod is all about the oil of Releasing and Forgiving. We are talking about the empowerment of Thyme. Thyme’s benefits Cleansing...

The Oil of Cleansing
Today’s pod is all about the the oil of Cleansing. We are talking about the empowerment of Lemongrass. Lemongrass’s benefits Supports...

The Oil of Releasing Control
Today’s pod is all about the the oil of Releasing Control. We are talking about the empowerment of Cilatntro. Cilantro’s benefits: Aids...