The Oil of Truth
The empowerment of Frankincense. Frankincense’s benefits: • Frankincense is one of the most prized and precious essential oils due to its...

The Oil of Mother Earth
The empowerment of Myrrh Myrrh’s benefits: • Powerful cleansing properties, especially for the mouth and throat • Soothing to the skin;...

The Oil of Boundaries
Clove’s benefits:
• Powerful antioxidant properties*
• Supports cardiovascular health*

The Oil of Abundance
Wild Orange This week in honor of Black Friday we are talking about the empowerment of Wild Orange essential oil which is the oil of...

The Oil of Generational Wisdom
Douglas Fir This week in honor of the upcoming holidays, we are talking about the empowerment of Douglas Fir and generation wisdom.The...

The Oil of Objectivity
Today’s pod is all about the the oil of objectivity. Cardamom Cardamom’s aromatic features: Spicy, fruity, warm, balsamic Cardamom’s...

The oil of empowerment
Today’s pod is all about the the oil of empowerment. And we will be talking about one of Gina’s favorite subjects — using ritual and...

The Oil of a Buoyant Heart
Woo Hoo. Today’s episode is all about the use of essential oils internally and we are also talking about the oil of a buoyant heart! The...

The Oil of Focus
Woo Hoo! Our 2nd episode of Empower your Oils! We will FOCUS…..on the the topical use of essential oils…and showcase the OIL OF FOCUS....

The Oil of Communication
Woo Hoo! The very first episode of Empower Your Oils! The first three episodes we will cover the three ways to use essential oils, as...