The Oil of Cheer and Creativity

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The empowerment of Tangerine!
Tangerine’s benefits:
Supports healthy digestion and metabolism*
Cleansing and purifying
Supports a healthy immune system*
Aroma uplifts mood
Emotionally supports those with suppressed anger guilt, and self-judgment.***
Supports individuals who are stifled by an excessive sense of duty or creating rigid standards for oneself.***
Invites individuals to make room for their creative side, and asks that they reinsert fun, joy and spontaneity into their lives.***
Tangerine’s uses:
Add 2–3 drops as a flavoring in cake and cookie recipes
Add 1–2 drops in water, smoothies, teas, or lemonade for flavoring
To energize and uplift mood, place 1–2 drops in the palm of your hand, rub together, and cup over the nose and mouth for 30 seconds or diffuse throughout the room
Apply to flex points or abdomen to promote feelings of happiness. Dilute with a carrier oil to minimize sensitivity if needed.
Aromatic Description
Tangy, sweet, fresh
Find more information on Tangerine Essential Oil - click here.
Gina’s favorite use: I swap it out for Grapefruit when I get bored.
Janet’s favorite use: It’s great in honey yogurt with grapes.
Say Goodbye
Say goodbye to feelings of Overburdened by responsibilities, stifled creativity, duty-bound, overworked, heavy-hearted, joyless
Say Hello
Say hello to feeling cheerful, fun, creative, spontaneous, fulfilled, lighthearted, joyful, optimistic
How To Get Your Hands On A Bottle Of TANGERINE Essential Oil
During the month of January, We are GIVING AWAY a FREE 15 ml bottle of dōTERRA TANGERINE Essential Oil to anyone who orders a Natural Solutions Kit and enrolls as a Wellness Advocate through me (Janet will be your enroller). BONUS: Anyone who orders a Natural Solutions Kit through me will also receive a welcome package from me including an essential oils reference book. Available to U.S. residents only.
Ready to get started? Order your oils HERE.
Libations of the day
GG’s Abundant Om
Club Soda
1 drop dōTERRA Tangerine Essential Oil
Frozen Blackberries
Zizz everything up in a blender and yumola!!!

Janet’s Tangerine Dream Essential-ini
Vanilla Syrup
Simple Syrup
1 drop dōTERRA Tangerine Essential Oil
Shake and pour into martini glass and enjoy dreaming!

Using oils with intention
Dance IN your Creativity!
Place 1 drop dōTERRA Tangerine Essential Oil just below your belly button. Put on some music that sings to your soul and begin to dance!!
Dance and get into your hips, dance from your sexual center, 2nd chakra, your creative center. Keep dancing until you can roll your hips and really ground down into your hips. If you feel inspired create a painting, piece of art, write something, create something after you’ve gotten into your body. And see if something changes in your creation.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*** Source: Emotions and Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing,