The Oil of Steadying

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We are talking about the empowerment of dōTERRA’s Anchor Touch, The Steadying Blend!
Anchor's benefits:
Supports effective yoga practice
Promotes feelings of completeness, calmness, and courage
Encourages a steady foundational sense from which to move forward
Anchor's uses:
Apply to ankles, base of spine, and bottoms of feet to promote feelings of completeness and calmness.
Enjoy the aromatic benefits of Anchor whenever you are feeling scattered or uprooted.
The perfect yoga poses to pair with Anchor’s aroma are Seated Meditation, Seated Twist, and Bhu Mudra (one hand on the heart, the other on the Earth).
Can be used during yoga practice or any time during your day
Aromatic Description
Rich, earthy, spicy, woody
Blend Ingredients
Lavender (communication), Cedarwood (community), Frankincense (truth), Cinnamon Bark (sexual harmony), Sandalwood (sacred devotion), Black Pepper (unmasking), and Patchouli (physicality) essential oils in a base of Fractionated Coconut Oil
Find more information on dōTERRA’s Anchor Essential Oil - click here.
Gina’s favorite use: I’m loving this for my new bedtime oil ritual. I use it just like we do in this week’s ritual! Try it!
Janet’s favorite use: Our ritual this week feel’s amazing!
Say Goodbye:
Goodbye to feeling discouraged, fearful, incomplete, chaotic, scattered
Say Hello:
Hello to feeling grounded, balance, courageous, whole, calm mind and heart, emotional harmony
DO NOT INGEST. Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If pregnant or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
How To Get Your Hands On A Bottle of dōTERRA® Anchor
During the month of August, We are GIVING AWAY one FREE
Yoga Collection to the first person who orders a Natural Solutions Kit and enrolls as a Wellness Advocate through me (Janet will be your enroller). BONUS: Anyone who orders a Natural Solutions Kit through me will also receive a welcome package from me including an essential oils reference book. Available to U.S. residents only.
Ready to get started? Order your oils HERE.
Libations of the day
Gina’s Roots
Root Beer
Coconut Rum
1 drop dōTERRA Frankincense Essential Oil
Stir it all up (like chaos) and grow your roots (ground down)!

Janet’s Ground
Pomegranate Honey Green Tea
Vanilla Vodka
1 drop dōTERRA Frankincense Essential Oil
1 drop dōTERRA Lavender Essential Oil
Add everything to a glass and dig in!

Using oils with intention
Anchor in the Spine
Place one drop of dōTERRA’s Anchor on the top of your pubic bone, inside of each wrist, and the back of your neck. Sit sideways with your right side against the wall. Exhale and gently swing your legs up onto the wall and lightly swing your shoulders and head down onto the floor. Place your arms to your sides, with palms up. Wiggle into a comfortable position and make any adjustments your body needs.
This is not intended to stretch the backs of the legs, so if you feel pulling in the hamstrings move farther away from the wall but keep the lower back grounded to the floor. Gently close and soften your eyes, take 3 deep slow breaths and let your whole body begin to feel heavy and rooted into the ground. Pay special attention to the points we placed the oil.
HOT TIP: Do this right before bed.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*** Source: Emotions and Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing,