Trust Your Vibes

Get your FREE Trust Your Vibes Essential Oil Oracle Spread by signing up for our email newsletter -- The Smell Mail!
Today’s pod is all about trusting your vibes
Libations of the day
Gina’s Vanilla Goodness
Hot water
Vanilla creamer
Vanilla vodka
1 drop dōTERRA Turmeric Essential Oil
Janet’s Chocolatey Goodness
Hot chocolate
Vanilla creamer
Salted Carmel Crown Royal
1 drop dōTERRA Turmeric Essential Oil

Some of Turmeric’s benefits:
Helps support healthy glucose and lipid metabolism*
May enhance cellular antioxidant enzymes* (e.g. glutathione)
Helps support healthy nervous and cellular function*
May promote healthy immune function and response*
When diffused, Turmeric provides an emotional lift and may help improve mood
Turmeric’s uses:
Take internally for daily antioxidant support and to improve immune response.*
As metabolic support, use Turmeric when trying to get back on track.*
Diffuse Turmeric or put a drop or two into your hand and inhale to promote feelings of positivity and to improve mood.
Find more information on dōTERRA's Turmeric Essential Oil HERE
CAUTIONS: Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
EYO has created a brand new Essential Oil Oracle Series. For the next 13 months, we are going to play and explore ALL THE THINGS and guide you to Trust Your Vibes??
Here's the coolest thing...the first 13 lucky people who join will receive their reading live on the Pod and we have a few spots left!
Oh! And to make this exploration even more fun – we created a badass, woo-filled, magical schwag bag for you!
This is how we define V.I.B.E.S. and this is what Trust Your Vibes is all about!
V – Vibration. Vibration comes to you through visualization, mantra, color, sound, light, aromatherapy, stone, water, intention, plants, meditation, symbolization, herbs and more.
I – Intuition. Intuition, or Inner Knowing, comes to you in so many ways. Learning to listen. Be still and listen is the key.
B – Body. Your body doesn’t lie to you. “Gut feelings” are real. Learn to decipher messages from your body.
E – Energy. Let your energy guide your life. Keep it clear. Keep it positive. Remove any negativity (news, social media, people, etc.) Get to know your emotions.
S – Spirit. Trusting a higher purpose/power allows you to trust yourself.
Clearing your energy
Create your own version of your GOOD VIBES Clearing Spray (we like to make ours with moon-infused water (that’s just water that sits under a full moon...say a little prayer/mantra/intention from your heart before you set it out there!!) You really CAN’T get this wrong…..just have the INTENTION that the spray will cleanse, clear & protect!! Use your intuition to choose the essential oils to add into the spray.
Chakra: Earth Star
Your earth star chakra is not a part of your physical body like the other seven chakras. It’s actually located below your feet, and makes up part of your etheric body. It is our magnetic imprint upon this earth. It connects directly to the core of the earth and to Gaia. It is connected to the living multidimensional spirit of Mother Earth and to the earth’s crystalline grid. It is also known as the zero chakra. Think of your earth star chakra as a high-performance root chakra!
The earth star chakra differentiates from your root chakra in a few ways:
• It is the grounding point for your entire chakra system and etheric body.
• It connects you to not only the earth but the whole of humanity as well.
Recommended essential oils: Myrrh (The Oil of Mother Earth), Arborvitae (The Oil of Divine Grace)
Chakra Stone: Snowflake Obsidian
• brings things to the surface
• balance during change
• protection
• shields against negativity
Rune: Sun
The brightness of the sun illuminates all things and chases away the shadows of doubt and depression. The sun helps plants grow and flourish. Sun rises freshly each day.
Recommended essential oils: Lime (The Oil of Zest for Life), Ginger (The Oil of Empowerment), Melissa (The Oil of Light)
Your Strengths!!
We will be working with our Strengthfinder strengths.
You can find out your strengths here:
It will cost you $20 for your top 5 strengths.
We will make no money from this, it's just great to know your strengths!
How To Get Your Hands On A Bottle of dōTERRA® Turmeric
During the month of October, We are GIVING AWAY one FREE Turmeric to essential oil the first person who orders a Natural Solutions Kit and enrolls as a Wellness Advocate through me (Janet will be your enroller). BONUS: Anyone who orders a Natural Solutions Kit through me will also receive a welcome package from me including an essential oils app. Available to U.S. residents only.
Ready to get started? Order your oils HERE.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*** Source: Emotions and Essential Oils: A Modern Resource for Healing,
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